Year Three

Dearest Yanni,

This year you leveled up to big sister status, rode your first long-haul flight, and experienced your first winter. You were plucked from everything familiar and dear in the Philippines and we moved to a foreign land right smack in the middle of its worst possible season. These are potentially difficult situations for a toddler like you, but once again, as you did from when you were a newborn, you’ve shown that you are ever the trooper.
Thank you for adjusting so well, for being gentle with Yael (most of the time), for your mild manner, for being understanding and easily placated.

Happy Birthday, dearest Gianna Sofia! I thank God for your life, and the sweetness you bring into ours.
We love you forever and always.



p. s. This is the first year you actually know it’s a special day for you so I keep wishing you could be surrounded by family and loved ones. But you only have the three of us.

You seem fine with that, so yay!

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